Wednesday, May 23, 2012

ANGER is the worst tangle!

Anger is the worst tangle! 

Anger is ugly! Anger is devil! Anger is dangerous! Anger is a trap! Anger is uncontrollable!

Have you ever been in Anger before? Or have you ever seen anyone in Anger before? How does it feel especially when it involves someone you loved? Do you feel comfortable? Do you feel irritating? Do you feel secure? Do you feel scared? Do you feel angry too? 

Anger is an emotion related to one's psychological interpretation of having been offended, wronged or denied and a tendency to undo that by retaliation. (Wikipedia) 

There are many reasons lead to Anger. Some of them includes being accused, scolded, blamed, teased, bullied or many more. More people couldn't control themselves when they are in Anger. They are then lead to uncontrollable actions unconsciously. These actions can be dangerous when it includes physical actions. They might lead to hurting, hitting or even killing someone.  

Many parties think that Anger is nothing or something natural. Some even think that Anger is something good to release tension. They think it is a must to be Angry. Anger might be a method used by certain people to get what they want, for example to voice up dissatisfaction. Some children use Anger to demand for their toys. Is it really okay to be Angry? 

Nowadays, commercial supports Anger as something that we look up or something rational like the famous cartoon characters Angry Birds or even The Incredible Hulk. They are certainly unaware of the bad influence on it. 

Anger if it is not controlled will lead to disaster. There are a lot of abused cases involving family members that ended up with night mare. For example, an angry husband accidentally killed his wife during a fight. He then realized his mistake but it was too late. He ended up serving himself in a jail and his children were left alone miserably. 

Is this the kind of life that you wanted? Do you want to be the one who regret? Do you want to be blamed for your action? Is it healthy to be Angry?

From the video, we can see how a child lost his patience to his elderly dad when being asked many times.  Love your parents. Be patience. Don't get angry if he asks many times repeatedly as you too asked many times as a young child when you began to learn and your parents answered you patiently. Be patience. Feel people's shoes, feel their feeling when you lost your temper and patience to them. Feel them. 

In Buddhism, Anger is one of the three poisons – the other two are greed and ignorance – that are the primary causes of the cycle of samsara and rebirth. Purifying ourselves of anger is essential to Buddhist practice. Further, in Buddhism there is no such thing as “righteous” or “justifiable” anger. All anger is a fetter to realization. Yet even highly realized masters admit they sometimes get angry. This means that for most of us, not getting angry is not a realistic option. We will get angry. )

One more reason that Anger should be avoided is not to be fallen into the lowest realms of The Wheel of Life which is the Hell Realm. 

The hell realm is characterised by acute aggression. We build a wall of anger between ourselves and our experience. Everything irritates us, even the most innocuous, and innocent statement drives us mad with anger. The heat of our anger is reflected back on us and sends us into a frenzy to escape from our torture, which in turn causes us to fight even harder and get even angrier. The whole thing builds on itself until we don't even know if we're fighting with someone else or ourselves. We are so busy fighting that we can't find an alternative to fighting; the possibility of alternative never even occurs to us. )

To overcome Anger, one needs to always mindful of his action. Beware of the rise of Anger and try to control it with inner peace and patience. A meditation will help to calm one's mind and calm down Anger.

As a conclusion, Anger provides only harmfulness and not advantages to ourselves and the people surround us. So, why not learn to ease it since it has no advantages at all. Control your Anger now slowly until you are perfected control the Anger in you. Replace it with Calmness, Peace, Patience and Compassion. All the best!

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